The Palazzo Ducale, based in Sassuolo, is the jewel of the Estensi galleries located in the historical center of Sassuolo. The seventeenth-century ducal palace’s root is a previous castle, commonly known as Rocca, built in 1458 by Borso d’Este, marquis of Ferrara and lord of the manor.


• UI/UX Design
• Back-end dev
• Web dev
• iOS e Android dev

The Challenge

Mumble, commissioned by Tracce along with the patronage of the Estensi Galleries, the City of Sassuolo, and the Cassa di Risparmio di Modena Foundation, developed the application of Palazzo Ducale, with the aim of making the beauties of this historical gem accessible from a smartphone.

The Solution

The application, developed for iOS and Android operating systems, was designed to be easy-to-use for all types of users, even the less experienced ones. The application accompanies the visitors as they walk through the suggestive halls of the Palace. This not only allows the frescoes and architectural details to be discovered, but it also gives life to the characters, artists, and the events that gave birth to one of the most spectacular Baroque residences in Italy.

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